zaterdag 19 juli 2014

John McCain is een hysterische, extreem-linkse...

... ach, laat ook maar.


“If presented with that same evidence today, I would vote the same way,” McCain said of his vote to deploy troops in the country. “I respected and trusted the Secretary of State, Colin Powell. But it’s obvious now, in retrospect, that Saddam Hussein – although he had used weapons of mass destruction – did not have the inventory that we seem to have evidence of. Which now looking back on it, with the benefit of hindsight, (the evidence) was very flimsy.”

If he had been president, McCain said, “I think I would have challenged the evidence with greater scrutiny. I think that with my background with the military and knowledge of national security with these issues that I hope that I would have been able to see through the evidence that was presented at the time.”


"Just saying, zeker...?

Update, één dag later.

Maar kijk me dat nu!

En zeggen dat er tijden waren dat ik tsunami's aan geloei en gescheld over me heen kreeg, omdat ik (rond 2003) een uitdrukking gebruikte als "ze blijven pink op de naad de leugens napraten die Bush zelf al lang niet meer durft volhouden"... En de geschiedenis ging Stalin-lovers zoals mij binnen de kortste keren ongelijk geven...

En geef het ruim tien jaar, en vandaag is de uitdrukking gewoon een titel op CNN.

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